Sunday, May 20, 2012


Trees; we love them, we have worshiped them; they are universal symbols found in the mythologies  of all peoples around the world; they are ancient symbols of growth, unfolding shelter, nurture. They are seen as gatekeepers to the next world and to other realms. They are touted as the keepers of higher vision and the absorbers of its higher knowledge and wisdom.

The correlation between their life cycle and humanity’s is seen as a bridge between us and the Earth and the Heavens. And, to further intertwine us with the trees, our environment depends upon them and theirs upon us....we share breath and because of this, the tree is a wonderful metaphor for our condition of growth and health.

Trees and humans can be broken down into “like” parts. A humans physical foundations correspond the the trees  lower trunk and roots. Like a tree we must pay attention to what we are growing in, our soil, air and water (what type of environment are we creating with our thoughts, perceptions, judgments and responses). We have to be pruned (loss and renewal) in order to achieve growth.

Just as a tree is open to damage from outside sources such as insects and pollution, we are too. If we are not aware about keeping out spiritual, mental and emotional energies balanced, the imbalance will work its way into our physical body and show up as illness. This is why learning that we truly operate on different levels within us is very important.

Learn to take care of your balance of body, mind and spirit so that as you grow and evolve into the wonderful person you are meant to be, your path will be a joyous and blessing filled one.

Bright Blessings, Love, Light and Laughter , Chessie

© Chessie Roberts 2012, all rights reserved

Sunday, May 13, 2012



                                                Lyric from the title cut from “The Angels Sang” by Archer's Meadow
                                                             written by Chessie Schwartz Roberts © 1997, All rights reserved.

An' the angels sang before they came to take her
In all my life 'twas the only thing that I saw shake her.
She was all that's left, all the rest had gone before her.
All that's left behind are memories in my mind--- and I adore her

You have someone with you to guide you along,
Some one to teach you and to help you be strong.
Someone to protect you; they won't steer you wrong.
You learn how to love them, and then you are gone,
oh, you learn how to love them, and then they are gone.

An' the angels sang before they came to take her
In all my life 'twas the only thing that I saw shake her.
She was all that's left, all the rest had gone before her.
All that's left behind are memories in my mind--- and I adore her

Where does love come from? Where does it go?
How does it chose us? We may never know.
It brings us such sadness, it brings us much joy.
It just comes to take us and make us it's toy.
Oh it just comes to take us and make us it's toy.

An' the angels sang before they came to take her
In all my life 'twas the only thing that I saw shake her.
She was all that's left, all the rest had gone before her.
All that's left behind are memories in my mind--- and I adore her

To all mothers of all ages on both sides of the veil. Enjoy your parents as much as you can, you will miss them when they move on to the other side. Bright Blessings to you all and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!

© Chessie Roberts © 2012, all rights reserved

Sunday, May 6, 2012


One determination I have has been used on us in the same manner as we used blinders on horses...the leather pads attached to the sides of a horses keep him focused...only...on what we want him to see...we spend most of our days and nights...looking down...when we absolutely be looking up...”{Leo Walton}

I know that we are programmed by all sorts of things through our lives. I teach this information to others and explain to them how and why it happens. However,in the past six months or so, I have had it displayed for me in an unexpected way.

I try to use my time in pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and information rather than just staring mind numbingly at the TV but, I have discovered a station that carries the shows, or should I say programs, from my youth. I admit, I was sucked in and I now understand why. It was so that I could report to you what the programers did to us.

The cartoons from the 40s and 50s were overtly sexual. The ones from the 60s eluded to the alteration of ones brain chemistry. As I have watched the westerns, I have realized the overt damming of and the assimilation the Native American and the African American into a “whiter culture” and have watched the pendulum swing (slowly) in the direction of honoring other cultures and allowing them to just be.

I have seen the Feminist Movement move from total oppression to the acceptance of women as people too. I have watched the dawning of the fact of molestation that, when I was growing up, no one talked about, the fact that is seems to be mainstream in out society these days I find a bit alarming.

I have watched, this time with conscious awareness and better understanding of what I was seeing. I have watched, with horror, the demise of our dietary choices and a dumbing down of society as a whole as we have been programmed to give our power over to those “who know more that we do.” The doctors, lawyers, psychiatrists and even celebrities who are now knowledgeable about things “beyond our comprehension”. We have sat in bondage to the flickers of the waves coming from the box that mesmerize us into believing we are separate entities, that we are entitled to what ever we think we desire, and should get it no matter what the true cost; that we must rely on the opinions of others to make us worthy to be. We have been taught that we need to have committees of friends with whom to share our ideas in order to make them worthy of presenting. Society seems to have embraced the idea that we are connected to everyone elses drama and that we should re-act accordingly (get spun up in it) This idea is embraced while we look away from our true connection to the planet and ourselves, and our responsibilities to it and to ourselves. We feel detached from everything unless there is fear, drama and angst. We have given over the wisdom of the ancestors, our own common sense and the ability to think for ourselves to the prognostications of our electronics. Those wonderful toys that bring everything, true or false, within eye-sight and ear-shot. The information we get now is so fast and overwhelming that we are numbed by it and accept what is easy. Take the product, aspirin for instance. For eons it (willow bark) was used for pain relief and as a blood thinner. Then big pharma began touting it as a help in time of heart attack, which it was, but the selling job was so successful in the US that now the advertising is geared to remind us that it is good for pain relief; and the pendulum swings again.

The other thing we get from programing is the idea that we need to be victims. This pendulum is just now swinging back to the “stand in your own power and lift yourself up” side of things. I say good to that.

Now I am not saying that this is all a bad thing but I do caution balance and due diligence. If it doesn't vibrate comfortably with you, check it out. By the same thought process, if it seems too comfortable, check it out; is it playing into your memes (false ideas of truth)or is it reflecting a prejudice you have? If it sounds too good to be true; it probably is. If you can achieve it without any effort; run the other way. If you are angered by it; you should figure out why, there is probably a lesson in it for you.

Wisdom is a wonderful thing but it does not just fall on you like rain, it is something you have to look for, work for and truly desire to find. It requires work on your part, like it or not anything worth having is worth working for. By becoming aware of the programing around us that is, in our present time, fast, furious and doesn't give us much time to think and make a conscious aware decision to “wake up and pay attention”{EOS} we can use it to our advantage. “Turn on, tune in, drop out” was the rally cry of the kids in the 60s. We can change that to better use in this century “turn off (the TV) tune in (to our higher self) and drop in (on your own power and life) to make this the best year you have ever had.

May the entire world be filled with Peace and Joy, Love and Light. May the Light of Truth overcome all darkness. Victory to that light!” Chessie
© Chessie Roberts 2012, All rights reserved