Sunday, June 27, 2010



How much do you feel you know? Are you aware of the fact that if you think you know all there is to know about any subject, you stop learning about it? It’s true. It is like attempting to fill a cup that is already full, sort of futile and self defeating.

If, however, you are always open to new information on all subjects, your knowledge and wisdom will grow, change, regroup and grow some more. Guess what? That’s how it is supposed to work. It is how we were initially wired. Will you ever learn it all? Gosh, I hope not because then you would be right back at the beginning of this thought process, see how this works?

So I ask you, how full is your cup? Do you have room to absorb more information? Does your knowledge lift you up? Is it worthy of being shared with others? Are you hungry to learn more? What do you do with the information you have out grown; hold it or discard it? Letting go of that which no longer serves you is good, it makes room for new ideas, paradigms and growth to occur.

I charge you now to be open, share, ask become enlightened and grow.

Bright Blessings, Chessie

© Chessie Roberts 2010, all rights reserved

Sunday, June 20, 2010



What makes you angry; Sad, miserable, jealous, ashamed, guilty? How about indifferent, vengeful, disdainful, demanding, hopeless or apathetic? Know that all of these emotions come from the fear end of your emotional spectrum.
Each and every one of these emotions does several things to you, 1) they make you ill on some level of your being, 2) they lower your spiritual vibrations so that you are farther and farther from your source which will make it harder for you to get back up there, and 3) they will bring down every one around you until you are surrounded by those who like it down there or 4) you will have no support at all. And 5) YOU WILL GET MORE OF WHAT IS BOTHERING YOU.

The reason for this is that the Universe has no filters. It hears/feels your emotions and gives you more of whatever your emotions are putting out there. So, you ask, “How do I turn this around?”

You start by changing your emotional response to everything. Don’t panic, you can do this. Begin by looking for things, any thing, that make your emotions respond from the love end of the spectrum. What makes you feel loving, merciful, at peace, satisfied, joyous, blissful, understanding or forgiving? How about illuminated, serene, or optimistic? All of these come from the love end of the spectrum and they raise your vibrations up to meet the Universe and it responds to them too. The difference is in what you receive, MORE OF WHAT YOU DO WANT.

Which way do you want your life to go; up or down; into love or fear; into want and need or abundance and prosperity? The choice is yours to make. Remember, you are denied nothing, ever, all you need to do if ask/feel.
Bright Blessings, Chessie

© Chessie Roberts 2010 all rights reserved

Sunday, June 13, 2010


When you contemplate your life and where it is now and where it is going, where is your focus? Are you looking at what you have or what you don’t have? What you are miserable about or what you are grateful for? Where you have been or where you are going? What you truly want or what you think you should want? Are you concerned about what others think you should be doing or are you focused on what you truly want to be doing?

In short are you living your life or one that others have told you that you should be living? If you are not happy in your life, what are you doing to change it? Do you know how to change?

Let’s talk about your mind-stream for a moment. Your mind-stream is what I call your regular or constant thought track. If you are in the habit of thinking about what you don’t want, like, feel etc. what you are actually doing is calling all of that into your life, especially if you feel any emotion about these thoughts. The Universe hears/feels your negative, hurtful and ugly vibrations of “don’t/can’t have” and answers, “OK, you’ve got it.”

Let’s turn that around to a better way. Decide what you truly want and get emotional about that. The Universe will hear/feel your raised, positive, loving vibrations and answers, “OK, you’ve got it.”

OK now ask yourself which of these is better for, and more worthy of you? Do you want to lower your life’s vibrations and wallow in victim think? Or, would you rather raise your vibrations to meet those of the Universe and become the happy, successful “I CAN” that you were meant to be? As always, the choice is yours and up to you.

I wish you best, worthy, balanced choices and bright blessings Chessie
© Chessie Roberts 2010 all rights reserved

Sunday, June 6, 2010



CG Jung said; “That I feed the hungry, forgive an insult and love my enemy- these are great virtues. But what if I discover that the poorest of beggars and the most impudent of offenders are all within me, and that I stand in need of the alms of my own kindness; that I myself am the enemy who must be loved- what then?”
As we grow and learn how to become the best person we can become, we often find ourselves in the position of being our own worst enemy; weak and “most impudent of offenders”. Not only that, but we realize that we are the ones who put ourselves in our current state of needing love, healing, understanding and forgiveness.

Self love, kindness and forgiveness are things that we learn to suppress in our culture. They are seen as being selfish and self serving when in actuality you must love and forgive yourself before being able to truly love another. Sort of like putting on your own oxygen mask before helping the person next to you on a plane. This wisdom is born of maturity, healing, growth and experience.

Maybe it is then, when you feed, heal, love and forgive yourself first that you are strong enough to give to others. If your well is dry, if your need is great then you don't have much to share; but still, if you attempt sharing while caring for yourself, you will receive what you need and grow.

Bright Blessings, Chessie
© Chessie Roberts 2010, all rights reserved