Sunday, January 29, 2012



I came to realize clearly that mind is no other than mountains and rivers and the great wide earth, the sun and the moon and the stars”{Dogen}

Our greatest illusion, our greatest piece of incorrect information, the biggest lie we tell ourselves is that we are separate from each other, from God and all things. We grow up thinking that it is us against the world, that we are the whole,and yet we feel incomplete. We feel that God is some nameless, faceless entity that exists apart from us and our lives. That it is a power that controls and manipulates us, grants favor if we are “good” and curses if we are “bad”. A force that tells us that “this is the ONLY way/religion and if others don't think/believe this they are to be force fed or shunned until they do believe.” I ask you, what Creator would do that? Why would God (or whatever you wish to call the Creative force) make up something to pit us against each other?

The truth is that we create all of these differences ourselves. We are the ones who judge and label things good and bad. It is humanity that allows ego and emotion to rule our lives then look around for someone or something to blame.

Having said all of this, I tell you not to make you feel guilty or angry, I tell you this to help you become aware, to realize why we are “here”. We are here to wake up. To understand that we are all a part of Source. We are FIRST Spirit, then a person. It is Spirit that animates all of us and everything around us. Without it we do not exist. As Ram Dass said, “We're here to awaken from the illusion of separateness” We are here to learn our connection to Spirit, Source, God AND each other. If/when the world learns this, embraces the unconditional love that lives in all of us, can see the light of source in each other then, there will be peace.

Bright Blessings, Chessie
© 2012, All Rights Reserved

Sunday, January 22, 2012



How many books about spiritual practices do you own? How many classes have you taken? How many degrees have been conferred upon you? How many different philosophies have you studied? Now the hard question; What are you doing with all of this information?

Humans seeking enlightenment seem to have a tendency to become collectors of information and, once it has been obtained, we are prone to be proud of its ownership. Our shelves are full of information but what about our lives? Our everyday, mundane, one foot in front of the other lives? When is this wonderful information used? When do we practice all that we feel we know? How do we use what we have read or studied? Do we just regurgitate what others have said/written? Or do we internalize it, take it to heart, try it on to see if it fits and then give it a chance to really work for us?

In order to become the better, spiritual person that so many say they want to become, the information must be incorporated into your daily practices. Here is where most of us get into a dilemma. How to do this. We are so “informed” that we are choking on the huge wad of “what to do-s” and “what not to do-s” that we give up in frustration and do nothing, thus not becoming anything other than what we already were; the person we weren't happy with to start with.

Here is a suggestion, find a program that will give you a foundation on which to start. One that will guide you through your own “stuff” so that you can see/feel step by step what it is you are trying to accomplish; the you that you wish to create. Then incorporate those practices into your daily routine until they become second nature to you so that you can grow further as your understanding reaches new heights.

Practices are called that for a reason, if you do not practice, you will not achieve. When you were a baby learning to walk, you practiced diligently to get the hang of putting one step after the next. You learned to talk so that others could understand you with the same determination. What about learning to drive, how long did you strive for that goal? Everything worth doing has taken practice. Think about this the next time you are ready to announce that you “can't” do something; meditate, pray, feel anothers distress or joy, or let something go.

Evolution of Self; Journey into Body, Mind, Spirit Balance is such a program. It gives you a good grounded foundation to build on so you can take your next step. Yes I know, a little shameless self promotion here and that is OK every once in a while. If you read the testimonials on the website, you will see what I am talking about. I invite you to find out where to start and begin. You CAN create the you that you truly want to be.

Bright Blessings and growth in wisdom, Chessie © Chessie Roberts 2012 all rights reserved

Sunday, January 15, 2012



Because I am the energy of creation; its’ vessel and its conduit; I am connected to an unlimited abundance. Who and what I require appears at exactly the correct time.”{Chessie Roberts} Evolution of Self; Journey into Body, Mind, Spirit Balance

You are NOT what you see in the mirror. You are a soul first and a biological vehicle secondly. You, me, all of us are souls that animate the bodies in which we travel. Without the animating force of the soul we would be nothing. We would not be able to feel, create, share, love, manifest, or anything else. As “pieces of The Divine Energy” we are powerful and loving. So what is the catch you may well ask. The catch is that we have to remember what we truly are. As we grow up and learn what we and others feel we need to know to get along in this mundane life, we forget our true origins. Don't panic here, it is natural and we all do it BUT, we do not have to stay ignorant of where we came from and what we truly are.
What do I need to do to remember?” I was asked by a friend of mine recently. Ready? What you need to do is... pay attention to what is no longer serving you, what is not making sense to you anymore and remember. Sounds tricky right? Not really. As you begin to question things that you once took as truth, you know the things I am referring to, those things that make you wonder “why it might be so”; things that make you wonder “how someone may have thought 'that' up”! You start looking for better answers to those questions and, as you look, you realize that most of the questions just aren't important any more (most never were) You may find that a lot of the answers will come from an acceptance on a Faith Base rather than on a “statics, charts and graphs base.” You learn to “feel” the rightness of a thing, situation or experience and by that feeling, know that it correct for you.
As this growth process continues, you realize that what is right for you may, or may NOT be right for someone else and that it is OK. We all learn differently and that's OK. We all have different life experiences and understandings and that is OK. What is correct for you may resonate with another and it may not and that too is OK.
So the truth that makes you, you is not always the truth that makes someone else themselves and that is OK as well. When you reach the level that allows you to be you and others to be who and what they are, with no judgment, criticism or manipulation on your part, then you have remembered fully what and who you truly are. You are ready for what ever YOUR next step may be.
Bright Blessings and happy remembering, Chessie
© Chessie Roberts 2012, all rights reserved 

Sunday, January 8, 2012



Negativity may be in places that we don't expect. We all know the news is loaded with it but there are other “hidden places” that we think are benign so we don't pay attention. Music is one of these. Even though we may not understand the lyrics on a conscious level, we do on a subconscious, subliminal level. These unaware levels cause your biology to release the corresponding chemicals on the body to create stress, anxiety and anger. The rhythms and tone play into this also.

Programing other than news carries it's own 'hidden negativity” as well. I had this information sneak up on me a few weeks ago. I don't watch much TV any more but every once in a while there is a movie I want to catch, such was that case on this day. I was working on a blog and had set the TV to the channel the movie was coming on and had muted the show so that I could continue working undisturbed until my self-appointed break; when the movie was to start. As I worked (paying no attention to the TV, I began to feel anxious and angry. Not an angry person at this time in my life I became aware that I was really mad! That made me stop working to assess what was going on. My first thought was that the anger was not mine, but coming from an outside source. I was correct, the TV was playing a news report about the war. I turned it off and quickly the anger went away. I was astounded! I had heard nothing of the report (TV was muted) but the vibrations got through to me on a very subtle level. Lesson learned right? Nope, about two weeks later, same scenario, different station. I again felt the anger building and, remembering what had happened the last time looked up to see what was on the muted TV. It was a prayer/preaching show! See, you never know. Sitcoms that rant and yell give off vibrations that disrupt the fragile psyche and cause stresses that most of us have become numb to on a conscious level but our biology reacts to them never the less. Cartoons that portray fighting, harsh voices, lies etc do the same thing to our children. Numbing them on the conscious level to what is really going on in the subconscious level, just like the grownups. We get disruptive energies from fields coming off of cell phones, microwaves (not just in the kitchen), power lines (both above and below) , lighting and all types of radio signals that are flying around all the time.

Negativity and disruptive vibrations don't just come from electronic devices. The place where you work is loaded with them. The people with whom we have to spend a portion of our day can and do affect us whether we are aware of it or not. The anticipation of these encounters can and does have an impact on us. Crying children, barking dogs, construction noise, loud anything and, silent anger, resentment, ugly thoughts... we are surrounded!

Another huge and unrealized offender is the casual use of the nasty little word, “hate”. The word is bandied about in the best of company, used jokingly and as an unnecessary statement of how much the speaker does not like something. You may think I am being overly picky (I have been told so many times by the unaware) but the truth of the matter is what is actually going on in your biology. Your body is in constant communication with your brain. Your brain is constantly eavesdropping on your body therefore, reactions occur before you are aware of them. Don't believe me? OK, have you ever been startled by something your brain and eyes decided was a bug, spider or the like only to find it was a leaf, sock fuzzy or something completely nonthreatening? That is what I am talking about. Your brain thinks it, your body “hears” it and shoots out chemicals to get you out of danger. Ugly, nasty, mean or hurtful words create the same chemical process to occur in your biology. The “h” word causes chemicals to be released that actually do physical damage to the little things that protect the ends of your chromosomes! Once these protective things are gone, they can NOT be replaced and your chromosomes are open to damage from all sorts of places. If this sounds too clinical, think about it this way; the little protective things like the plastic ends on a shoe lace. They hold the chromosomes together and keep out things that can damage. With them gone, the ends of your chromosomes fray, like the shoelace, leaving openings for all sorts of damage to happen.

How do you fix all of this? By becoming consciously aware. Aware of what is going on around you and leaving when you need to, change the channel, turn it down, turn it off, ask gently for it to stop conscious of what you are saying and thinking. Change what you can and stop being around the rest. Simple? Yep. Easy? As easy as you believe it/want it to be.

A little work on your thoughts and habits will go a long way toward making your energetic surroundings a pleasant, happy and healthy place to be and your life will become something wonderful and joyous.

Bright Blessings and Happy Thoughts, Chessie
© Chessie Roberts 2012, all rights reserved