Sunday, August 29, 2010


When we are born the Creator gives us everything we need to know to achieve our life’s mission but, because we are required to live on this plane this information becomes forgotten. It is overwritten by other programming, like an overwrite command on a computer.

The village who raises us attempts to shape us in their image so that we can learn from their life experiences. This is all well and good for a while and it is done for our benefit, or so the village believes, but when it is time for changes to begin in your life, it is unsettling for those who have been steering you for so long. They may try to challenge your attempt to stretch and find your own way but that is OK, stretch anyway. Look for your forgotten birthright, remember, become consciously aware, and wake up.

“When you begin to remember who and what you are after being made into something/someone else by the needs and desires of others; you begin your journey into conscious awareness…you begin to wake up.” (Chessie Roberts Evolution of Self; Journey into Body, Mind, Spirit Balance)

To wake up is to begin to question all of the things that you once held as true. It is to realize that you have made choices, whether you knew it at the time or not. It is to dig into those choices and to decide which ones you should hang on to and which are no longer serving you. It is the ability to make the now informed decision to let go of all of your old thought processes, without shame or anger, and to grow forward with your life. It is to reconnect with your higher self, to raise your vibrations toward the love and light that put you on this plane in the first place. It is to embrace unconditional love of yourself, mankind and the planet. It is to evolve, to reach for the next level, to fulfill your purpose and to share your journey with the seekers around you. It is to bloom where you grow and to spread happiness, joy and love to all who cross your path.

I bid you good morning and Bright Blessings in your evolution. Chessie

© Chessie Roberts 2010, all rights reserved

Sunday, August 22, 2010


This is our last week within the chakra system so we are at chakra seven. Its’ location is just above the top of your head and is connected to your cerebral cortex.
The elemental correspondence at this level is thought. We planted a little seed down at the Earth level and have watched it grow up through Water, Fire, and Air into Sound and light to reach this subjective level of thought.

The color that vibrates here is violet/white. The Sanskrit word for this chakra means “thousand fold’. This refers to the lotus flower that you see pictured for this chakra. The thousand petal lotus represents the harmony of the conscious and unconscious thought structures blending and working together with all the other chakras.

The job of the seventh chakra is many-fold so I will break it down into its’ basic three components; First on the emotional level it is your main controller for your mind and belief system and your life framework. It also deals with your acceptance of new insights and growth in unexpected ways.

Secondly, on a physical level; the word “controller” refers to your pituitary gland. It is your body’s’ scheduler and time clock for your entire system because it regulates all of your other glands to keep your physicality working at peak efficiency.

And third; on a Spiritual level it is your connect to the infinite knowledge that is your birthright. Your, “plug in” (to quote Dr. Carolyn Mysse), to the Cosmic Place of Knowing that is deep within your subconscious, the knowing that is drawing you to tap into it once again. That deep knowledge is what is pulling you to grow and learn so that you once again join your beginning. This is the catch at this chakra level; the thing you are questing for is the thing that is causing you to quest. Your deep longing for your forgotten birthright of knowledge is what is drawing you back.
This is where your Conscious Awareness becomes an awareness of Cosmic Order that you have reached by growing up through the lower chakras. I stop here to remind you that the growth through the chakras IS NOT LINEAR. You will find that you will bounce back and forth between the levels as you examine and reexamine your growth, ideas and perceptions. This is the way it is supposed to happen and it is OK, it is the way this works.

When you are out of balance here you may feel depressed, alienated, bored, or apathetic. You will not want to learn or understand.

I remind you of the old joke that says that a mind and a parachute both work better when they are open. So keep your mind open and accepting of new knowledge, wisdom and information. Don’t resist going back and reexamining your ‘old’ ideas and renewing or rewriting them as they become more enlightened. That is, after all, what your entire existence on this plane of being is truly all about. You will find your AHA! Moments are amazing and well worth your effort.

You know you are in balance when your mind is open enough to filter all information through your new understanding and knowledge. When you realize that you don’t need all of the stuff in your head and can clean it out without judgment, prejudice, guilt or shame.

The goal of the seventh chakra is for you to realize the cosmic truth that you are the creative energy of the universe. You are also the vessel and the conduit of that energy and because of this, through you, conscious awareness can and will manifest in the world.

1)It is located just above the top of your head
2)It is your connectedness to Transcendent Spirit
3)It is your home in the cosmos,
4)It is your ‘oneness’ and freedom

Physicality; brain, eyes (some say only the right one) your muscular and skeletal systems

Issues; inner knowledge, self realization, new knowledge and its’ understanding, your spirituality and its connection to your Higher Self as well as your connection to Universal and Cosmic Energies

Blocked By; attachments

Unblocked By; letting go because all is one so nothing and no one is ever lost.
I trust that you now have a better understanding of your energetic system and how it works.
As always, if you have questions feel free to inquire. Bright Blessings,

© Chessie Roberts 2010, all right reserved

Sunday, August 15, 2010


This week finds us up to chakra six which is connected to your carotid plexus nerve ganglion in your physicality. In your spiritual/energetic body it is located between your eyebrows, just a little above them.

The elemental correspondence is light because this is where you begin to truly see, where your conscious meets your unconscious and you begin to become truly aware. This is also where you reconnect with your innate intuition and ESP. for those of you saying ‘there’s no such thing’ I tell you that it is the little voice that tells you to do or not to do something and that you need to reconnect to it and learn how to trust it. This is also where you will refine your imagination.

This is the first chakra that is not in your body, it is in your brain so it is more mental. The color that vibrates with this area is indigo (a deep blue-black) the Sanskrit word for this chakra means ‘to know/ command/perceive and here is where you learn to translate all visual input.

At this point you begin to become aware of your access to the Universal well of Wisdom. Your decisions and judgments are now made from information that you now know to be true. You are now comfortable accepting information based on faith and intuition. You don’t need pie charts or graphs to convince you because you have learned when to listen to your ‘little voice’. Intuition is not right or wrong, logical or illogical, it just is, and what yours tells you is not going to be the same as what someone else tells them and that’s ok.

If maturation, growth and healing have happened by this point you will understand and know balance in all things, light/dark, yin/yang, want/need and you will see without prejudice. You will see things as they really are and beyond the limits of either/or. You will also see that you have infinite choices, there are no limits (unless you create them).

When you are out of balance in chakra six you will be overly influenced by the psychic realm and be seen as ungrounded, disorganized, disconnected or spacey. In the other direction you may seem narrow minded, not comfortable with challenges or as having tunnel vision. If you see yourself in any of these you may consider some personal work.

When you are in balance here you are able to use your new information plus your innate wisdom that you have rediscovered to access other information. You have raised your vibrations so that you can now make decisions that are free of fear and ego. Here you realize that everything is Ancient Wisdom and “Here we stand, on the cutting edge of Ancient wisdom” (LTR of Evolution of Self; Journey into Body, Mind. Spirit Balance) you are able to use your mind and visualization to have a positive impact on your surroundings to raise your quality of life as well as those around you.

You know that you are in balance when you are able to process and translate your visual and intuitive information so that you use it correctly and effectively.
The goal of chakra six is to suspend your personal perceptions and are able to envision those of others and truly understand just what they see; realize self clarity thus becoming closer to being completely conscious and completely awake and aware.

1) It is located between and just above your eyebrows
2) Is your connect between Universal and intuitive wisdom
3) Is your personal insight
4) Where you see the deepest beauty and truth in all things
5) Where your conscious meets your unconscious.

Physicality; your brain, eyes (some say only the left but I leave that to what works best for you), your nervous system and ears.

Issues; the meeting of your conscious and unconscious (this can be unsettling but well worth the effort so don’t let it throw you.), imagination, insight, “other information”, feelings of spacey-ness or narrow-mindedness.

Blocked By; the illusion of separateness

Unblocked By; accepting the Cosmic Truth that all is one

Bright Blessings, Chessie

© Chessie Roberts 2010, all rights reserved

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Chakra five is located at your throat and corresponds with your pharyngeal plexus This is the place of your self expression.

The element here is ether but that is a subject under much dispute so for this particular train of thought I am going to use the element of sound.
The color that vibrates with this area is a bright sky blue and the root of the Sanskrit word for the throat area means ‘to purify’.

The job in the fifth chakra is communication, both verbal and nonverbal. This is where you develop the ability to express your creativity and skills. These include effective listening; the ability to accurately hear what another is trying to tell you while realizing that they are speaking from a different life experience than you. (That means their experience of an event shared with you will seem like a different event because of the difference in your backgrounds.)

Communication is the connecting principal that makes life possible and, in actuality, it is the act of extending your consciousness to create an understanding of your ideas in another. You use sound, vibration and rhythm to form words or symbols that are called the alphabet to write words, or maybe you use hand signs or the Braille alphabet to convey information and ideas to others. Just as your body uses DNA and nerve impulses, and your brains use chemicals and hormones to keep your body working properly, the world uses broadcast waves and frequencies to keep us in constant communication with each other. Communication is important on every level.
When you are out of balance in this area you may find that you talk too much or not enough. You may come across as arrogant or self-righteous. You will certainly not listen well or care about others views and opinions.

Words are our most powerful tool and with great power comes great responsibility. Please remember this and think before you speak, post or type because incorrect information can be very damaging and hurtful.

When you are in balance, people consider you thoughtful in your communications, you can express your needs and desires without being demanding or whiney, you are able to express your truth without hurting others and you are able to speak without shame or fear.

Knowing that you are in balance comes with your ability to speak your truth while truly hearing another and you are able to do this without judgment or shame.
The goal of the fifth chakra is to enable you to communicate ideas and abstract concepts and be understood, to be able to give information so that you can manifest creations on a physical plane that give order to your universe.

1) Located at your throat
2) Is your self expression
3) Your ability to communicate your hearts truth
4) Your ability to communicate your core values
5) Is the bridge that connects your head (intellect) with your body (senses)

Physicality; your bronchial and vocal apparatus, lungs, ears, hands, arms, neck, bones and teeth.

Issues; expression, communication of your own creativity, needs and desires, your ability to actively listen and understand both verbal and non-verbal communications.

Blocked By; lies you tell yourself

Unblocked By; seeing that you are OK as you are but if there parts of you that you feel are not worthy of you, change them in a positive and loving way and then…genuinely love yourself.

Bright Blessings, Chessie
© Chessie Roberts, 2010, all rights reserved

Sunday, August 1, 2010


This week brings us to chakra four; located at your cardiac plexus nerve ganglion. Just as this allows your physical heart to nourish your body, the heart chakra feeds your energetic and spiritual heart.

The elemental correspondence here is air because of the movement from the physicality and manifestation of the lower chakras into the more esoteric areas of spirit. This is the mid point in the chakra system where the lower three chakras become tempered and balanced by chakra four as they get ready to join the upper three and a feeling of wholeness and balance begins to appear. Picture an upward pointing triangle (▲) with the points numbered 1, 2, & 3. Then picture a downward pointing triangle (▼) with its’ points numbered 5, 6, & 7. See them laid one over the other to form a star and the number 4 right in the middle. This represents balance that will, when tempered by the love in chakra four, create a radiance that shines out to all things. This unconditional love creates a permanence that magnifies that love to permeate all existence.

The color that vibrates with this chakra is green and the Sanskrit word for it means, ‘sound made without any two things striking / un-struck/ pure/ fresh/ clean.
The job of your heart chakra is to create the binding force of love. This comes from the logical progression of mass @ 1 + the movement @ 2, acted upon by the attraction @ 3 = a love driven by free, joyous acceptance of yourself and all around you. This love does NOT come from a place of need, want, or manipulation. This love, when you move in harmony with it, gives you the ability to let others grow at their own rate, to reach out to another without loosing your center. You begin to feel that sense of wholeness and balance that you are looking for. You loose the desire to judge others by YOUR standards and you are able to see all things as your “next best thing”. I was recently faced with the possibility of having to deal with cancer. I must admit that I was terrified by the prospect and spent a day or two in abject terror. I finally decided that I would have to turn off the fear somehow or have the heinous thing manifest. I fell back on this EOS that I trained for years to create for my answers and during a meditation session I was reminded of the fact that this was “my next best thing.” I decided to see this as an opportunity. If I did have the illness, I could then help others to deal with their circumstance better, so it was “my next best thing”. If I did not have cancer, I could use the anticipation, fear, and experience to help others to see their way through the fear and worry stage. I could also use the experience to teach this portion of this class and again, it was “my next best thing”. The second I made that decision, my fear vanished like I had flipped a switch, and it has indeed been “my next best thing.”

When you are out of balance here you may come across as judgmental or manipulative, control of others is very important and truth is subjugated to YOUR idea of what YOU feel it should be.

Let’s face it, you can’t really know anyone but yourself, so by taking everything less seriously, you can be yourself without letting another take your power. You are also able to see the difference in controlling yourself and NOT controlling others.
Balance means that you can temper the lower chakras with love and begin seeing change in wonderful ways. You know you are in balance when you no longer feel the pull of the lower chakras and realize that you do, indeed, create your own reality and you can influence others.

The goals here are to find unconditional love for your self and others, be able to exercise tolerance and balance within your body, mind, spirit, to realize the Devine Paradox that something that seems small is, in reality very large and the thing that seems very large is actually very small. (If you don’t get what I mean, talk to a teenaged girl about the drama in her life::smile: ) and to find the ability to allow things to be what they are.

1) located at your heart;
2) It is your bridge between your imminent, transcendent spirit and love;
3) Your ability to share love and life with yourself and others.
PHYSICALITY: circulatory system, hands, arms and shoulders

ISSUES: consideration and empathy for others; the link between your intellectual and spiritual selves; your ability to direct love to your self and others and your inner peace.


UNBLOCKED BY: Accepting the fact that love is energy; it is all around you and is always born again as new loves.

Bright Blessings, Chessie

©Chessie Roberts 2010, all rights reserved