Sunday, February 27, 2011



Mother Teresa said: “I will never attend an anti-war rally; if you have a peace rally, invite me.”

I stumbled across a news announcer talking about the fight against bullying. I was astounded, fight a fighting behavior, does this make sense to anyone? Isn’t that like taking a pill to stop a symptom rather than finding the root cause of the illness; like damming a river to force it to do your bidding and being upset when the dam breaks and there is destruction everywhere; like building on a flood plane and getting upset when your building gets wet? Fight? Really?

Let’s look at where bullying behavior comes from. The bully has no sense of his (I am using his to mean hers too ladies so you read on too) own self worth. In order to feel good about himself, he makes others feel bad about themselves.

What creates the person who is bullied? News flash folks, they have no sense of their own self worth. Because of their lack, they believe the venom being spewed by the bully. Do you see a pattern forming here?

Why do these people fail to learn this most important lesson? It is not that they fail to learn something, it is that they are not being taught. We as people do not learn what we are not exposed to. If we aren’t taught our self worth, we don’t realize that we have one. Unfortunately, as thinking beings, we discover that we truly need this information and the lucky ones look for the intelligent, positive way to find their worth. The other part of this is that the lack of information on this topic is filled by the input from our society. Let’s face it, TV is full of this bully type of programming. Our society sees bullying behavior as entertainment so how can it be unacceptable? Without guidance, an impressionable person will take that information, from both extremes, and run with it.

However youth will believe the worst about both themselves and those around them, it is part of immaturity. But, to get to a more mature outlook, we have to decide and be guided to see what doesn’t work, bullying and being bullied does not work.
Do we fight with the bully? No, that gives his something to push against. Do we feel sorry for the poor victim? No, they are doing that well enough all by themselves. So what do we do to stop this madness? We go to the root of the situation. Teach them self worth. Once they realize that they are indeed worthy to be here, no matter where they are; once they realize that others are worthy also and that we all need each other on different levels and for different things; that we are all worthy, the unwanted behavior will stop.

Your rights stop where another’s rights begin and that is a truth that can not be denied. So, if you feel that you are so important that you can hurt everyone around you I tell you that you are wrong! If you feel that you are useless, and good for nothing I say to you that you are wrong. We are all of here for a purpose and no purpose, no person is more important than any other. We are a community that must get along with each other or destroy each other. Which scenario do you think will serve us better, cooperation or extinction?

Shall we learn together to coexist? I say that is a good idea, lets’ educate, grow up and stop this ignorant acting out!

Bright Blessings, Chessie

© Chessie Roberts 2011 all rights reserved

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Your Vibrational Level

Your Vibrational Level

I was asked about vibrational levels and how I perceived them and after some thought , this is my perception. I feel that our vibrational level is not germ like in nature but more of a “who you’re with and where you are comfortable”. As your vibrational level rises it is just a fact of Nature that you would seek out those persons and places that, because of their higher vibrations, draw you. Once you have reached a certain "height" attempting to go back to the "lower" vibrations is both uncomfortable and unpleasant. Attempting to engage someone who is not in sync with where we/you are is frustrating for both sides.

Those of the "higher" vibrational levels know that there is really no need to engage those who have not yet reached the higher levels or hide from them. Being uncomfortable with the lower levels is usually enough to cause you to seek out the groups with whom you are the most comfortable. Those who wish to advance and grow will make themselves known pretty quickly as well as the ones who don’t. Your patience with those who desire to grow will add richness to both your life and theirs. As you share your flame of brightness, another is illuminated and the darkness recedes a bit more. Those who are at a lower level will begin to grow in their own time and it could be that you are not meant to be their mentor. You can help only those who wish your help, the others will find their mentor when they are ready.

The best way is to vibrate where you are, grow at your own rate and allow others to do the same. Their path is theirs and yours (not you personally, I use the collective you) is yours. Maturity within ones Spiritual growth allows for the understanding of the difference between control of and control over. You are the only person that you can truly know, therefore control, and that life lesson takes some doing, but once you get the hang of it you find out that the rest of the world will take care of itself.

Bright Blessings, Chessie

© Chessie Roberts 2011 all rights reserved

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Life Lessons, Choices, Destiny, Karma and the Law of Attraction

Life Lessons, Choices, Destiny, Karma and the Law of Attraction

“Destiny is what we make of it, Karma is how we shape it and Law of Attraction is a tool we can use to achieve the end that we want.” (TR)
Adversity, Karma, bad luck; what ever you want to call it is something that we all live with. Because we have choices at every crossroads we can choose to be victimized by it or choose to use it for what it actually is, a life lesson from which to grow.

By choosing to turn your mind-set toward the positive you can turn any situation around, change a negative into a positive. By looking at each situation as your ‘next best thing’ you create a freeing and empowering thought process. This is the choice that allows you to take your own power back from any situation that seems to be “adversity or bad luck”. By feeling an emotion of a positive nature, you incorporate the law of attraction to drive manifestation that will create what you want. You create a fertile area of positivity that allows your new mind-set to flourish.

I have taught this lesson for many years now and this is how I learned it. Some time ago I thought I might have breast cancer and took steps to find out the truth of the matter. Anyone who has gone through this process knows how much wait time there is and how frightening that can be. While you wait your mind goes through all kinds of scenarios and possibilities and well meaning friends tell you every horror story they have ever heard or encountered to the end that you are soon terrified beyond all reason and I was no exception.

My saving grace was, that because of Evolution of Self and the research I had done to create it, I realized what the fear was doing to my physicality and was able to stop it. Because your mind and body eavesdrops on each other all of the time, your body creates whatever your mind tells it to. Holding negative thoughts about a situation long enough for your emotions (your driving force) to become involved only makes those fears a reality. I made a conscious decision to choose to see this as my next best thing, thus giving my mind a new emotion to call on. If I did have the heinous thing I would use my experience to help others in the same situation. If it turned out that I did not have it, I would use my experience to teach this lesson. The second I made that decision and voiced it to my husband, all the fear left me and I stopped doing damage to my self while I waited. Because I was not living in a state of apprehension and fear my physicality was not creating the chemicals that would eventually make my fears my reality.

As it turned out I don’t have it but the lesson is a valuable one that I embrace every day. In choosing to embrace what looked like something awful and turn it to my advantage, I was able to choose a better way and so can you.

Bright Blessings, Chessie

© Chessie Roberts, 2011, all rights reserved

Sunday, February 6, 2011


I was talking to my publicist about what to post this week. He said I should repost this particular blog due to the additions that are coming to Evolution of Self in this next week.


How much do you feel you know? Are you aware of the fact that if you think you know all there is to know about any subject, you stop learning about it? It’s true. It is like attempting to fill a cup that is already full, sort of futile and self defeating.

If, however, you are always open to new information on all subjects, your knowledge and wisdom will grow, change, regroup and grow some more. Guess what? That’s how it is supposed to work. It is how we were initially wired. Will you ever learn it all? Gosh, I hope not because then you would be right back at the beginning of this thought process, see how this works?

So I ask you, how full is your cup? Do you have room to absorb more information? Does your knowledge lift you up? Is it worthy of being shared with others? Are you hungry to learn more? What do you do with the information you have out grown; hold it or discard it? Letting go of that which no longer serves you is good, it makes room for new ideas, paradigms and growth to occur.

I charge you now to be open, share, ask become enlightened and grow.

Bright Blessings, Chessie

© Chessie Roberts 2010, all rights reserved