Sunday, July 29, 2012



Nature does not judge. The bear does not judge the tiger. The tiger does not judge the fish. The mountain does not judge the water. The rain does not judge the tree. The plants do not judge the earth and the earth does not judge humanity. But...humanity judges every thing; Pants, animals, water, weather and sadly each other.

At the level of our fourth chakra we should come into the mature love, the love for the sake of love. Love that allows things and people to just be. Love that does not judge or manipulate, love that just is. It doesn’t judge ones faith or sexual orientation or clothing or caste or job or anything it just allows. It a love that lifts up, heals, raises the one who feels it to heights unknown before. It is a love that delights in the happiness and success or others. It  creates joy and opportunities for joy. It does not bring sorrow or pain, it loves only love for it's only gain.

Love is the magic component of the Universe. Love is the goal, love is the answer love is...everything worth having. May you find, embrace and share this love. Namaste Chessie

© Chessie Roberts 2012, all rights reserved

 “May the entire Universe be filled with Peace and Joy, Love and Light. May the light of Truth overcome all darkness! Victory to that Light! Jai!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

This weeks blog is from a wonderful person with an attitude that needs to be shared. Thank you Katy West!

The Benefits of Criticism: from  Katy West on January 11, 2012  Group of 1

Personal Growth
1.Looking for seeds of truth in criticism encourages humility. It’s not easy to take an honest look at yourself and your weaknesses, but you can only grow if you’re willing to try.
2.Learning from criticism allows you to improve.  Almost every critique gives you a tool to more effectively create the tomorrow you visualize.
3.Criticism opens you up to new perspectives and new ideas you may not have considered. Whenever someone challenges you, they help expand your thinking.
4.Your critics give you an opportunity to practice active listening. This means you resist the urge to analyze in your head, planning your rebuttal, and simply consider what the other person is saying.
5.You have the chance to practice forgiveness when you come up against harsh critics. Most of us carry around stress and frustration that we unintentionally misdirect from time to time.

Emotional Benefits
6.It’s helpful to learn how to sit with the discomfort of an initial emotional reaction instead of immediately acting or retaliating. All too often we want to do something with our feelings—generally not a great idea!
7.Criticism gives you the chance to foster problem solving skills, which isn’t always easy when you’re feeling sensitive, self-critical, or annoyed with your critic.
8.Receiving criticism that hits a sensitive spot helps you explore unresolved issues. Maybe you’re sensitive about your intelligence because you’re holding onto something someone said to you years ago—something you need to release.
9.Interpreting someone else's feedback is an opportunity for rational thinking—sometimes, despite a negative tone, criticism is incredibly useful.
10.Criticism encourages you to question your instinctive associations and feelings; praise is good, criticism is bad. If we recondition ourselves to see things in less black and white terms, there’s no stop to how far we can go!

Improved Relationships
11.Criticism presents an opportunity to choose peace over conflict. Often times, when criticized our instinct is to fight, creating unnecessary drama. The people around us generally want to help us, not judge us.
12.Fielding criticism well helps you mitigate the need to be right. Nothing closes an open mind like ego—bad for your personal growth, and damaging for relationships.
13.Your critics give you an opportunity to challenge any people-pleasing tendencies. Relationships based on a constant need for approval can be draining for everyone involved. It’s liberating to let people think whatever they want—they’re going to do it anyway.
14.Criticism gives you the chance to teach people how to treat you. If someone delivers it poorly, you can take this opportunity to tell them, “I think you make some valid points, but I would receive them better if you didn’t raise your voice.”
15.Certain pieces of criticism teach you not to sweat the small stuff. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter that your boyfriend thinks you load the dishwasher “wrong.”

Time Efficiency
16.The more time you spend dwelling about what someone said, the less time you have to do something with it.
17.If you improve how you operate after receiving criticism, this will save time and energy in the future. When you think about from that perspective—criticism as a time saver—it’s hard not to appreciate it!
18. Fostering the ability to let go of your feelings and thoughts about being critiqued can help you let go in other areas of your life. Letting go of worries, regrets, stresses, fears, and even positive feelings helps you root yourself in the present moment. Mindfulness is always the most efficient use of time.
19.Criticism reinforces the power of personal space. Taking 10 minutes to process your emotions, perhaps by writing in a journal, will ensure you respond well. And responding the well the first time prevents one critical comment from dominating your day.
20. In some cases, criticism teaches you how to interact with a person, if they’re negative or hostile, for example. Knowing this can save you a lot of time and stress in the future.

Self Confidence
21.Learning to receive false criticism—feedback that has no constructive value—without losing your confidence is a must if you want to do big things in life. The more attention your work receives, the more criticism you’ll have to field.
22. When someone criticizes you, it shines a light on your own insecurities. If you secretly agree that you’re lazy, you should get to the root of that. Why do you believe that—and what can you do about it?
23.Learning to move forward after criticism, even if you don’t feel incredibly confident, ensures no isolated comment prevents you from seizing your dreams. Think of it as separating the wheat from the chaff; takes what’s useful, leave the rest, and keep going!
24. When someone else appraises you harshly, you have an opportunity to monitor your internal self-talk'  Research indicates up to 80% of our thoughts are negative. Take this opportunity to monitor and change your thought processes so you don’t drain and sabotage yourself!

 “May the entire Universe be filled with Peace and Joy, Love and Light. May the light of Truth overcome all darkness! Victory to that Light! Jai!” Bright Blessings to you all, Chessie

Sunday, July 15, 2012



As an energy worker/healer and musician I work a lot with sound, tones, frequencies and rhythms. I am also interested in color. Colors have frequencies also and, to my delight, I have found that their frequencies vibrate with some of the sound frequencies that I have been working with lately.

As I have worked with these energies and frequencies, I have found the the clearer the vibration, the clearer and purer the information I get. During meditation a few days ago it came to me that this is true with all that we do, think and say. As we gain clarity in our actions, thoughts and speech; our actions, decisions and perceptions become clearer and purer as well. We lose the feeling that we need others to agree with our ideas in order to make the right decisions. We begin to rely on our own intuition and guidance as to what feels correct to us. The need to “stretch the truth” or to obfuscate the facts of a situation disappears. Truth and clarity become second nature and feels more entrained with our core values. When/if we try to go back to our old way, we find it uncomfortable and distressing.

Clarity and purity of thought, word and deed is the harbinger of peace, bliss and no judgment. Try it, I think you will like it. “May the entire Universe be filled with Peace and Joy, Love and Light. May the light of Truth overcome all darkness! Victory to that Light! Jai!”{Swami Satchidananda} Namaste, Chessie

© Chessie Roberts, 2012 all rights reserved

Sunday, July 8, 2012



There is an old story about a monkey who wants to get the tasty kernel out of a coconut that he has found. Someone had already made a hole to drink the milk of the cocoa nut but, because of the work it takes to open the nut itself, just left it in the ground. The monkey stuck his paw into the hole, grabbed the kernel and then attempted to withdraw his fist while clenching the treat. Much to his dismay and frustration, he was unable withdraw his hand. The only way he can be free of the burden of the nut would be to open his clenched fist but that would mean letting go of the food.

We people do this all the time. We hold on to hurts and angers, fears and suppositions, hates and prejudices as though they were our food of life. We then turn and ask why our lives are so filled with hurt, anger, fear, hate and other things of our own creation. We are made anxious and confrontational when told to “let go”. We demand to be told how to do this letting go thing, we say that we can't possibly do that for the event needs to be remembered, wallowed in, carried in our memory until it creates an illness within our biology, brought up again and again to offer an excuse for our own bad behavior and over reactions.

I tell you this now, NOTHING is important enough to make yourself ill over. Not rape, murder, theft, or anything else that you can think up is worth being miserable for the rest of your life. Things happen or they don't. They occur to teach a point to whoever is involved in the class. Both the doer and the recipient learn from it...if they choose to. If the student chooses not to learn the first time, the lesson will be repeated. Now, how long do you wish to wallow in your trauma? Why not accept the lesson of the event so as to not have it repeated and move on and grow? That is the healthy, sensible action. Grinding on it until you create personal issues for yourself is not.

Look at your event/situation as the coconut. Look for solutions rather than problems. How can you get the treat out of the nut by letting go? There is a hole, right? You can turn the nut upside down until the treat falls out, right? Then let go and use an alternate method. If that one doesn't work for you, look for another. There is always a way to let go and grow, Bright Blessings Chessie

© Chessie Roberts 2012, all rights reserved

 “May the entire Universe be filled with Peace and Joy, Love and Light. May the light of Truth overcome all darkness! Victory to that Light! Jai!”{Swami Satchidananda}

Sunday, July 1, 2012



Where did it come from?
Hi, let me introduce myself, my name is Chessie Roberts. At one time in my life, I was so out of balance that I had manifested some serious difficulties for my self. My level of pain in all areas of my life had caused a complete disconnect from everything that I loved; my family, friends, music; everything that really mattered to me. When I was told by my doctor to get used to being sick, on drugs and crippled I felt that something had to be done. This is when it came to me that I was the only one who could change my situation.

I created and applied Evolution of Self; Journey Into Body, Mind, Spirit Balance to take my own journey back to balance and wholeness. In the EOS program I share with you how I was able to change my Mind-Stream™ to reconnect with my family, friends, music, and find the Spiritual Giant that is within me. My life began to heal on all levels, to the point where I no longer needed pain medications or the dependance on the wheelchair. Together we can explore the journey that will bring wholeness and balance into your life.

How does it work?
Evolution of Self; Journey into Body, Mind, Spirit Balance blends the mental with the medical, the metaphysical with the physical, the ancient with the modern to balance your body with your mind and spirit to create your calm, clear, healthy and positive space within. We do this by reminding you of all your innate abilities which have been forgotten over a lifetime. By changing and tweaking your Mind-Stream™, you are able to refill that space within that has been, until now, has been full of what others expect from you. Evolution of Self; Journey into Body, Mind, Spirit Balance helps you decipher your inner owners manual so that you can create the life that you truly want.

How it can help you.
Because joy and harmony in alignment with Source Energy for the manifestation of that which is in  our best interests can be difficult to the point of being daunting; Evolution of Self; Journey into Body, Mind, Spirit Balance is all about the fact that you are good enough, and worthy enough. You have gifts to share, you are valued and,if you are questioning the old, looking for new answers, then you are on the right track. You will learn how to “listen” to your biology to know if something is off.  As well as communicate better with those around you. As you work through the program you create a clear channel to your Guidance, The little voice that keeps you headed in the right direction for you. You are in the right place and it is the right time for you now, you CAN do it. You can't get it wrong, you have all of the resources you require to create the life you want. You just need to remember and relearn how to use them to your advantage.

As we anticipate the energy shifting toward a new brighter intensity that will enable everything and everyone to expand and move rapidly forward; for those who wish to embrace it, why not learn more about how to create a better relationship with your self and the wonderful body, mind spirit connection that you were born with. Find out how at  on the “order” tab  to find classes, clothing and other reminders of your  personal journey. The program will make a wonderful gift for yourself or for someone you love. It  that says you care enough to give something special, unique and that will last a lifetime.

Bright Blessings, Chessie
© 2012, Chessie Roberts, all rights reserved

“May the entire Universe be filled with Peace and Joy, Love and Light. May the light of Truth overcome all darkness! Victory to that Light! Jai!”