Sunday, June 26, 2011



What you should say to yourself depends entirely upon what you wish to achieve. It is said in many places that “where your attention goes, energy flows” and that “like attracts like.” That should give you strong guidelines for your self talk

First, what do you desire? You must first truly and intensely wish to achieve something definite. It does not matter what it is, money, a new home, a job either new or a different one, a vacation, a mate…anything. As you desire (notice I did not say want) whatever it is you put your energy in that direction; and  your mind becomes saturated with whatever it is so that you can feel you already have it, Nature begins to assist you. How? We don’t really know, She just does and it works. I caution you here that this also works for things you feel you don’t desire as well.

If you put your energy into thinking about everything you do not wish to have you just bring more of it in to your life. Confused yet? Ok think about this for a minute. Someone said to me the other day, “I am so worried about my daughter! She is having a baby and I am afraid for her!” I asked why, what was wrong with the daughter and her unborn child. “Oh nothing,” the woman said, “it’s just that I had trouble giving birth and I just know she will too so I am worried sick.” Do you see what this person is doing? With her worry, she is creating an unpleasant and possibly dangerous and life threatening situation for everyone involved.

How could she turn that around? By putting her fears aside and being genuinely grateful for her daughter and new grandchild. Being confident and appreciative for the Drs and their skill and surrounding her daughter with positive loving and supportive energy. This thought process will not only help the daughter, the baby, everyone on the hospital team but it will help her too. See how it works?

I know you have heard about creating a self-fulfilling prophecy and that is what you do when you talk/think to your self. It is your choice to create the one you really desire or the other one.

Speaking positively and kindly to your self is a new way to think when you first start out and it does take some practice but once you get the hang of it, it’s not so hard. 1) Look for the good in things rather than what annoys you. 2) Find beauty in your surroundings and enjoy it. 3) Be grateful for every thing you already have and 4) get rid of what you have that you don’t use. Make room for what you really desire. 5) Choose your words/thoughts carefully and with conscious awareness so that they are worthy of you and see how much better your outcomes are.

Bright Blessings, Chessie

©Chessie Roberts 2011 all rights reserved

Sunday, June 19, 2011



In my last blog I talked about our duality and I would like to continue in that vein this week. Because we see ourselves as unconnected to the Divine, Universal Consciousness, Creative Energy, whatever you wish to call it; we feel we have to look outside ourselves for assistance in this area. We look to literature and teachers, guides and gurus for help and we forget that we are the experts of us. Just because we are learning, growing and changing constantly does not mean that anyone knows us better than we do.

We are our greatest source of wisdom and source of guidance. We are; you are the expert of you. You created the ‘you’ that you are now and the ‘you’ that you are creating, the ‘you’ that you will become in the future. You know what needs to be let go, what needs to be strengthened, what needs to be relearned, turned around and changed. You know what you need to manifest, how big/small, how far reaching, whether it will honor your deepest and greatest truths, your core values. No one outside your self can know these things or guide you to them; you are the only one who can do that. You are your designer and creator, director and guide.

You can read and listen to those around you for inspiration but all the while you must pay attention to what resonates within you. Should you follow another person’s path? You may try if you like but do it with awareness. Be aware that as they pass along their path, the person you are following changes it so that you are not following the exact path they followed. And, as you pass along it, you will change it in your way.

You will manifest what you create inside your innermost being. If/when you reconnect to your inner most self, your inner most truth and love, you become free of the doctrines, designs and dogmas of others. You are free at your highest level to honor your truest being to embrace your inner light and let it shine out in a way that only you can. Then, you will manifest, from within the wonderful being that is you, just exactly what you truly desire.

Bright Blessings, Chessie

©Chessie Roberts 2011, all rights reserved

Sunday, June 12, 2011



“Truly speaking, a human being is divine. It is only our wrong understanding which keeps us small.” (Swami Muktananda)

During my daily meditation a few days ago I was struck by the notion that we are a duality. Most of you know that we are a spiritual entity, leading a human existence rather than the other way around but this insight was just beyond that.

One part of us is our biology. That is made up of the stuff of the earth. The neutrons and protons; the carbon base that sustains life on our blue marble makes up what we see when we look in the mirror; the way our bodies work to first create new life and then keep it going; the genetic information that is held in sperm and ovum that joins to make you what you are and carry the information of your lineage is nothing short of miraculous. But…

If this biology is to actually live we need spirit. Most of us realize on some level that we are spirit but what does this really mean? The short answer is that we are one with Universal Consciousness, Creative Energy, Soul or some call it God. Call it what you will the force that animates our biology is something that we go through most of our life seeing as something separate from us as people. Think about this for a minute, what animates us? Is it not our mind? The part that thinks, reasons, creates? I’m not talking about the organ of the brain that is our controller; I mean the part that you will not exist without, your mind. Some have told me that they think the soul is in our heart but my meditative awakening tells me it in our mind. That is where we truly are. Yes, yes, it is all a package that needs to work together I agree but without your mind, what are you?

You can lose almost any body part and stay alive but without your mind, you have no quality of life. If you can see that you are truly part of Universal Consciousness and renew that connection to your true source you will see truth, you will know peace, you will be one with God, whatever you perceive that to be and you will be happy, blissful, joyful and you will truly know love.

If you were a rain drop how would you see yourself? Would you see yourself as alone or part of the storm? How do feel you would identify yourself? Now see this little drop that is you falling into a stream. How would you see yourself then? How would you be different than the stream? You wouldn’t, you would be part of the water in the stream. Then part of a river as your stream emptied into a larger body of water, soon you would become something even greater, you would be one with the ocean! Well I’m telling you that you already are something greater than the sum of your parts… you are the I AM. You are part of the Universal Consciousness that animates and joins us all on the most intimate level of all. We are the Energy of Creation, we are its’ conduit, we are vessel. We are exponential so honor yourself, honor your family and friends, honor those you do not know or feel you don’t like, yes, even honor your enemies and learn true love and peace and then spread it around, Namaste and Bright Blessings, Chessie

© 2011 Chessie Roberts, all rights reserved

Sunday, June 5, 2011



I was told by a friend recently that she is having trouble manifesting what she wants. So I asked her how she truly felt about what she was asking for. She confessed that she wasn’t sure she really deserved what she wanted and was worried about how she would afford it.

I told her that because the Universe reflects back to you at the level which you are able to accept, appreciate what you have and project abundance in your emotions, self talk, your thoughts, and visualization. If you don’t feel you deserve whatever it is you want those are the feelings that will vibrate out to the Universe. Those feelings of doubt are what will register and create more of what you say you don’t want. If you worry about lack then that is what you will have. Remember that emotion is energy in motion and that is what drives all manifestation.

Your dreams and desires are there for the asking but you must ask correctly. It is a lot like the whiney child bugging mom. They are more apt to get a timeout for being annoying than receiving the cookie they want. The Universe converses in a vibratory language. What ever vibrational frequency you resonate on is the one the Universe will respond to. If you vibrate on a frequency of need, want or lack, that is what you will receive.

If on the other hand, you raise your vibrational level to the frequency of gratitude, abundance and acceptance, because like attracts like the Universe responds with gratitude, acceptance and abundance.

Practice being grateful and loving in all of your thoughts, words (both spoken aloud and those you use to talk to yourself) and emotions and see how things change for you. I caution you that this shift doesn’t happen quickly, it comes from your habitual thoughts and emotions. You can start today to change your habits so that they reflect your vibrational frequencies to a higher, more loving and grateful level so that you can manifest what you truly want.

Bright Blessings and Abundance to you all Chessie

© Chessie Roberts 2011 all rights reserved